But then my lovely and still lifelong friend ED slipped her some hard lemonade he stole at a minor league baseball game ("Let's go Riverdogs!") and she got over it, and mocked a security officer on Seabrook Island. You can't keep Hil down for long.
Speaking of ED, he decided he would also get pretty wasted on the aforementioned lemonade, and that it would be a good idea in blistering South Carolina heat to put on a sumo wrestling suit and wrestle my friend KF into the field. The people organizing this event were none too happy to realize how enthusiastic and drunk these wrestlers were, when the players had a slight delay while they pulled them off the playing field. I'm not even telling the MD/DS story.
Ah, wedding memories.
10 years ago today, J and I were married on Seabrook Island, South Carolina. There were a lot of things I remember about that day. I had lunch with JF and JB, two friends from my office. I had big, ugly pageant hair (Note: if having a destination wedding, it probably is a good idea to get your hair done by someone other than a pageant hairdresser. I didn't have many options, but still!). And I think there were half naked people watching us get married, but that is what happens when you get married on the beach.
Friends were up in Canada recently and I mentioned I had never seen my wedding video, and I don't have a wedding album.** I told them I wanted to remember my wedding they way I remember it in my head. I have amazing memories of the way J looked at me when we were saying our vows, and the love in his eyes, and how I sobbed because this moment was finally here, and real.*** And the circle of people we had around us. And having people we really cared about with us, enjoying a place we had grown to love. Our wedding was everything we could have wanted and more. But in the end, it is just a party.
In true, typical A-J fashion, I don't have a fabulous gift for him today, or even a card. I don't know if we are exchanging gifts or if our upcoming, luxurious camping trip with small children (doesn't that sound romantic!) will be our gift to each other. All I have for him is the love I had for him all of those years ago, multiplied and aged through babies, and death, and moves, and hurts, and loves, and all of the experiences that truly make up a marriage. We are different, interesting, stronger now than we were 10 years ago.
I love you.
*But she is happy now, with J as her brother. I think.
**This is also due to a destination wedding. When your original photographer, who was only charging you $225 to begin with, has to cancel and gives you a replacement guy who is only charging you $175 plus film? You end up with a lot to sort through. I do have some amazing pictures. And a lot of negatives. And I am excellent at procrastination.
***Some of you know that J and I have been married twice. The second time was our Jewish wedding and I was 9 months pregnant with E. Yes, a shotgun wedding!