Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm lost! I'm homesick! Where's home?

I'm finishing up some time here in the states, mainly for family reasons.

When you hear a song that gets a lot of play on CBC radio 2 on DC101, I think it is time to go home (Steve B - The Cave by Mumford and Sons.  I think you'll like it).

I'm feeling really adrift these days, probably why I haven't blogged in some time.  I'm not sure where my roots or sense of place or belonging is, and I am someone very rooted in a sense of place. One of the things that was so upsetting about leaving California was that it has such a sense of itself.  Northern Virginia, not so much.  I was able to make connections in the DC area, but that was mainly because of the warm and wonderful community that J and I, and later E and S, built over time.

Canada definitely has a sense of itself, and it is NOT America North.  It is a different country, and one that we ignore to their benefit, I think.

But it is still not yet home.  While we have good neighbors, and growing friendships, those are still young, and they are not the long lasting ones that we have here.  And while I really like Canada, I really, really, really miss the people back home.  I miss seeing new babies - there are so many!* - and letting my kids run wild with their friends in the backyard or basement and most of all, just hugging my friends hello just because I am excited to see them.  Canadian Tire and nanaimo bars just can't make up for some things, though they sure try.

So, if you reread this post you will see that I've used home for two different locations - Canada and Northern Virginia, which means that I am still very confused about what is where.  Oy.

*Luke and Anya arrived. Hi Luke! Hi Anya!  And I missed Bailey. Kisses to Bailey!

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