Thursday, September 22, 2011

Interesting Day in Photos, From Toronto

I ended up capturing a lot of fun pictures today. Gynweth, on her blog, captures things like her Emmy scrapbook (yes, I subscribe to GOOP. Doesn't everyone?)  

But, me, oh no. I capture exciting things I find at Canadian Tire. Like this fabulous table.

I almost bought this table. It is metal. The center lid lifts off. You can use the interior as either a cooler, OR... wait for it... A FIRE PIT. Can you imagine a more versatile piece of outdoor furniture? Can you imagine J's reaction if I had come home with it? I feel that there is an entire group of tailgaters in Maryland that would support the purchase of this fine table.

AC/DF, if you don't get this for your renovated backyard, I may be disappointed in you. And revoke your Man-Target credentials.

Also at Canadian Tire, Princess and Cars shovels. Really? Why not? Where else would you get them? And your gun lock? And your hiking socks? And fire starters? And light bulbs?
(I got everything there today except for the pictured items and gun lock. We didn't need the gun lock. I did NEED the table. But I was afraid of J.)

This was my dinner. I didn't eat most of it. J said I was feeling my meat tooth. That was for DB and FdP.

It came with an entire jar of pickles.  

 Every day should end with positive graffiti. 

I didn't get a picture of the man walking home with the enormous beer stein/trophy.

I also didn't get a picture of the man who was campaigning for Provincial candidates to make it a crime to ride bikes on the sidewalk. He had a placard. He wanted them to be fined $2000 if they were caught, because it causes several hip replacements per year.  The placard had writing on both sides. He was kind enough to let me read both sides of it before moving on. I don't think people took him very seriously. Like J. Who said, "Really? That's what he is worked up about?" I told him that maybe he had been personally affected by the issue. I think J may be a little cynical, so the last picture is dedicated to him. :)

1 comment:

  1. Where, oh where, did you eat dinner? At Canadian Tire? Was that meant to be one person's dinner?
